Chest of drawers
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A Louis Philippe style chest of drawers is always easy to place in any room. Its clean lines allow it to blend seamlessly with any interior. This elegant chest is veneered in mahogany and topped with gray marble. The size of its drawers makes it not only an eye-catching piece but also very practical for storing a variety of items. It features five drawers, including one cleverly hidden in the lower plinth.
Louis Philippe
Mid 19th century
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Style: Louis Philippe
Louis-Philippe was the last king to reign over France from 1830 to 1848. Much less traditionalist than the kings of the earlier absolute monarchy, his reign is marked by profound social, economic and political changes within the kingdom.
Dark woods such as mahogany, rosewood and walnut are in fashion. The style is a reinterpretation of the furniture of earlier periods with a concern for convenience and mobility that’s why the chairs and armchairs are equipped with casters.
Height: 95 cm
Width: 127 cm
Depth: 57 cm